Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Zoo Camp for Izabel

Izabel started zoo camp today.  She is a 'zooper hero'.  I would not make that up and I am ashamed for having typed it but that is what they call it.  She is in the Food Web session.  Today she pet a skink and learned about the prairie.  She told me all about the burrow of a prairie dog on the way home.  Evidently they have different chambers in their homes including a bathroom.  I am picturing the bathrooms in the colonnade around St. Peter's square in Vatican City.    It was complete with straw on the floor and a woman yelling at some nuns.  To complete the picture envision my mother's face at that scene. 
Seamus went to story time at the library, playing in the park next to the library and school supply shopping.
Seamus' physical therapist had suggested we give him chewing gum.  So we tried it yesterday.  He did not swallow it.  In fact, when we were going into the library he tripped and fell and started to scream. When I reached down to pick him up he picked his gum off of the ground and stuck it back in his mouth.  A woman sitting on a bench nearby started to laugh.  He chewed that piece of gum for a couple of hours; the only way I got it away from him was when I told him he could not have his cup until he spit it out.   

On the way to the park

The park has these giant books/sculptures.  This one is Charlotte's Web, of course.

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