Friday, August 26, 2011

Izabel's Back to School

Izabel's school had its first day back.  It was a bit of a ruff start with some tech problems but we are up and running.   
Izabel's lessons set up for her first day.  She studied Brunelleschi in Art and bones in Science (hence the drawing of Jack Skelington done by me).  That art history major finally pays off (well I switch it to Asian Studies but I did study it).  
With the start of school these post are probably going to be a little less daily and a little more weekly.  And in honor of the new school year we have changed the look of the site.  We still have plenty of activities.  A quick preview will include some bowling, some cool choir stuff for Izabel, Monkey Bizness, 4-H, and Izabel is going to try fencing lessons.
Izabel created some fashions for her dolls - Thank You Emma and Kate for the hand me down's.  Izabel had it all set up with an invitation to come see her new designs.  The dolls had a cloth towel on top of them for the unveiling - it looked like some doll morgue it was awful.

Seamus donned a new h ,at - Izabel's old Red Sox's hat while she wore her Yankees hat.  They played wiffle ball in the park and Seamus blew bubbles. 

As part of her art block she learned about the Marzocco sculpture by Donatello - a lion with a shield with a lily on it symbolizing protection for the city of Florence.  Izabel's project was to make a sculpture of a protection animal (a ring-tailed lemur) with a shield wrapped in his tail.  Her shield is a tree with two swords crossed because, "lemurs live in trees".  She worked hard on it and did a good job.
  Click here to learn about the real Marzocco and compare with Izabel's. 

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