Monday, August 8, 2011


The kids check out the photo booth after the movie
The new Smurfs movie reminds me of the drawer full of Smurf figures I have at my mother's house.  Most of them came from my friend Stephen McTygue.  I was not excited about this movie because I did not think it would be a good addition to the legacy of smurfberry ice cream (I prefer the swirl with vanilla)  from King's Island or the boat ride there or the cartoon. However, the Autism Society has teamed with the AMC theater to offer kids with sensory processing issues a time to see the movie and this showing was the Smurfs.
These movies are perfect for kids like Seamus.  They are earlier in the day and they keep the lights up just a touch, and turn down the volume just a touch.  Plus they allow the parents to bring snacks to accommodate the diet needs of these kids - allergy and/or sensory wise.  They also allow noise and movement without the quiet policy as long as it is not a safety issue.  The kids were all excited when the movie got going and were yelling and laughing along with the Smurfs.  I actually found a few of the puns in the movie funny too.
So many of these kids have something they call echolalia.  It is when they echo the noises or words they hear.  No imagine the Smurfs song and a dozen kids with the potential for echolalia.  As we were leaving most of them were "La la lalalala laa la la la laaaa" down the hallway after the movie.  Seamus and Izabel showed their talent for rhythm and created a disaster.  The song only has one word and Izabel was so off.  I tried to get it on video but it was like trying to leash two ferrets onto one leash.

Izabel picked up her fair projects and the premium for her painting was $3.  She bought make-up at Walmart. 

More about the sensory movie program:

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