Friday, August 5, 2011

Izabel Wins and Seamus' Hat's Second Day of School

Seamus thinks this shirt is like the fish tank in Finding Nemo.  He really likes the shirt.
Seamus had a fairly successful second day of school.  It included getting a report from the teacher that he had some problems during circle time.  He is just so excited to be there.  I am reminded of the reports my mother used to get of Grandma McEvoy.  "She is feisty," they would say. 

Izabel had camp day4.  she pet (if that is what you call it) a hissing cockroach and met the silver-back gorilla named James.  She was warned not to stare to long at James or he will get made and bang on the glass.  True of most James. 

Matt then took Izabel down to check on the results of the art contest at the fair.  Izabel's piece came in first place in her division (or whatever they call it).  Another blue ribbon for her.  It really did not seem to faze her; she was more excited to learn that the President's birthday is the day before hers. 

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