Seamus wears his hat everywhere and it gets to go on many adventures - find out what his hat is up to. If you are wondering why were are out and about so much during school time it is because our adventures are made possible because big sister Izabel attends a virtual academy.
This adventure week brought us a new hat - a magician's hat. When he wears it Seamus says, "I lizard". It took us a little while to realize he was meaning 'wizard'.
Seamus dressed up like Izabel complete with her shoes and us having to call him "Ba-Bel". He then added her hat and sun-glasses.
The kids enjoyed the end of year party for 4-H. They had pizza, played some games and generally ran a muck. Izabel went to Lowe's on Saturday with Matt to do their Build and Grow Project. They give (that's free) the kids goggles and a kit to build, this time it was a little school locker, then they get a certificate and patch. At the same time Seamus was at home making a wizards hat and watching Robin Hood - the Disney version. When Robin jumps from the burning castle toward the end I turned around to find Seamus near tears. Even after Robin emerges still alive Seamus seemed unsure.
Izabel completed her summer reading challenge from Barnes and Nobles and they rewarded her with a new book (another freebie). She chose the book Liberty Porter, First Daughter by Julia DeVillers.
Izabel has finished her long division unit in math (I am sure it is more exciting for us than you) and is working on bones in science (more specifically the muscular-skeletal systems), and the early Renaissance in history and art. After doing a lesson on Lorenzo the Magnificent, grandson, of course, of Cosimo de'Medici, and Seamus having school picture day (no hat this time), the kids enjoyed an afternoon at Monkey Bizness. I have come to the conclusion that no matter how interesting a place like Monkey Bizness is, there is no way to capture it in an interesting photo.
Izabel's 4-H friends enjoying a game
Important life skill.
Izabel is really into her crochet hat these days despite the heat.
Izabel showing off her new book from Barnes and Nobles
The kids enjoyed some Magic Science from a kit - they made bubbling potions and generally ran a-muck.
Izabel's school had its first day back. It was a bit of a ruff start with some tech problems but we are up and running.
Izabel's lessons set up for her first day. She studied Brunelleschi in Art and bones in Science (hence the drawing of Jack Skelington done by me). That art history major finally pays off (well I switch it to Asian Studies but I did study it).
With the start of school these post are probably going to be a little less daily and a little more weekly. And in honor of the new school year we have changed the look of the site. We still have plenty of activities. A quick preview will include some bowling, some cool choir stuff for Izabel, Monkey Bizness, 4-H, and Izabel is going to try fencing lessons.
Izabel created some fashions for her dolls - Thank You Emma and Kate for the hand me down's. Izabel had it all set up with an invitation to come see her new designs. The dolls had a cloth towel on top of them for the unveiling - it looked like some doll morgue it was awful.
Seamus donned a new h ,at - Izabel's old Red Sox's hat while she wore her Yankees hat. They played wiffle ball in the park and Seamus blew bubbles.
As part of her art block she learned about the Marzocco sculpture by Donatello - a lion with a shield with a lily on it symbolizing protection for the city of Florence. Izabel's project was to make a sculpture of a protection animal (a ring-tailed lemur) with a shield wrapped in his tail. Her shield is a tree with two swords crossed because, "lemurs live in trees". She worked hard on it and did a good job.
Click here to learn about the real Marzocco and compare with Izabel's.
We were planning on going to see friends in Akron Colorado on Saturday but they were ill. We found the Boulder Art Festival instead. It was a lot of fun. In the past we talked about trying to show there, now that we have seen it I think we will consider it next year.
This booth was Haute Chocolate meets the movie Labyrinth.
They had face painting - Izabel chose princess eyes, Seamus chose princess eyes too. I asked the lady if she would do them in green or more like leaves. We brainstormed and she did a dragon. Once we told Seamus that he would look like Toothless from How to Train your Dragon he was set. He loved getting the paint put on and sat perfectly still. He then loved breathing fire on everyone, every dog and everything we passed.
Seamus gets his face painted.
Izabel refused to pose for anymore pictures. This is the best I could get.
The Golden History Museum that is adjacent to the festival had an open house with reenactors, the Colorado Lace Makers Guild, and a blacksmith. The guild had a woman making a design with human hair like those memorials that you see in history museums.
Izabel learns how to spin wool.
Seamus checking out his makeup.
On the way out the door we met a new friend. Honestly, I was rather started at this catipillar crawling across the parking lot. It is 3 inches long and strong enough that it can moove around some rocks. We looked it up it is a virginia creeper shynx moth. Those moths are as big as a hummingbird; we used to get them in Brush in our morning glories.
In preparation for Izabel's start of school, and because I have started as the leader of a Booster Buddies group for the school (it means I manage the website and help set up activities and coordinate things for the kids), we took part in a new family orientation.
I've got spirit yes I do, I've got spirit how 'bout you....
Seamus got his hair cut. He thought it was fun for about 1/2 of his head, then I had to chase him around with the clippers and hope I got it all.
Izabel is pointing to a fossil of a stegosaurus back plate. This is in cross section so it looks like a dark line.
To Izabel's left is a bulge/lump coming from the overhang; it is the footprint of a brantosaurus from underneath.
Seamus is sitting in a hole left when someone stole a footprint. Over his head you can see some footprints.
Because Grandma Ann's camera has some "creative dating" on the pictures it took me a while to find the other pictures she had taken during Steve's graduation.
My nieces Abigel and Catherine (Steven's girls) standing in front of something from Orbital where Uncle Greg used to work
Looking through the pictures on Grandma Ann's camera
At least it isn't the photo on his driver's license.
The kids taking in a movie - Seamus apparently likes to sit in the laundry basket.
Seamus ready to go to school. Matt took him partly walking partly on the scooter.