Friday, July 15, 2011

Wing shop - bogo

So after camp Izabel organizes Seamus to play fairies.  They have to repair their wings.  Izabel advertises her wing shop to us, "You have to come to the wing shop tonight.  It is buy one get a second pair of wings free.  You get a second pair of hiking wings for free when you buy one pair."  That's my girl.  Seamus chose a pair in green.

Izabel's camp continues and so Seamus got a day of adventure.  We started with the library and a story-time.  Then we had fun at the park (as much fun as can be had in the incredible heat and always looming thunderstorms).  He blew bubbles with which he is obsessed.  Thanks to Uncle Geoff and Miss Mandy he had the large Lightning McQueen bubble wand that worked perfectly.  We made lots of extra large bubbles that drew attention from the kids walking by.  We also flew his birthday kite.  For a kite that cost $1 at Walmart it flew pretty well.  Sorry the one video is sideways; I forgot that quirk on my phone. 

After the park and a few errands we used a coupon for gellato.  Seamus got half cookies and cream and half double chocolate chocolate chip (made with 5 kinds of chocolate from 5 different countries according to the sign) and Mom got half dulce de leche and half amaretto chocolate chip.   
When we picked Izabel up from camp the kids played in the park with their friends for a few minutes.  Since she was in camp all day learning about transcendentalism - seriously that was the schedule for Wednesday these are the only pics with IQH in them.
library story-time all about rabbits.
Kite flying

Figuring out which flavor is always a challenge with Seamus

Quite a spread

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