Sunday, July 31, 2011

Fair Day

Dear Josef Hatch - Izabel may need some pointers.  No scratch that this is as far as she will go in this sport unless they make it a horseless event or something she can do on her Barbi scooter. 
Izabel participated in the Douglas County Fair on Saturday with the 4-H Cloverbud Primary Fair.  They had all sorts of activities relating to cowboy history for the kids.  Seamus, his hat, and camelback checked out the mini-horse show, the 4-H/FFA horse competitions especially the ones that involved the cattle, and checked out the horse barn.  He was a bit disappointed that the barn was full of horses and not cattle. 
Then came the waiting.  Waiting for Izabel to finish her activities, waiting for the Cloverbud interviews to begin, waiting for Izabel's interview to start, waiting for Izabel's interview to finish.  It was crazy.  It was crazy to watch the parents frantically trying to finish their kid's (and I mean teenager) photography projects and record books; it was crazy to hear the other parents talking about how late they had been up the night before to finish projects, and crazy to try to figure out where we needed to be and when.  Izabel was scheduled for one of the last time slots I think because she is literally the oldest Cloverbud as she graduates next week on her birthday. 
The interview went well and they asked her to leave her project so they could keep it on display for the fair.  She did entomolgy including making a kill jar, pinning block and net (from a pillowcase).  She made a insect collection and we had all sorts of problems finding enough insects for the project.  This included Matt chasing swallowtails (the yellow and black butterflies) and dragonflies all week. 
As she went to bed she declared that she wants to do cake decorating next year - the one project we would rather skip. These fairs are always on the hottest day of the year which is not good for cakes and their decorations, plus it must be last minute so it is fresh for the judges.  Why can't she pick pocket pets, we already have a ferret, or something that will not run to the wire?

Seamus checks out the cattle waiting for their time in the spotlight

Izabel learns about brands - yes she wore her camelback all day too

Creating a brand

Making a horse hat

Matt had the camera

Panning for gold

They decorated cloverleaf cookies

The two of them always with the camelbacks starts to look weird - like they are tapping into the borg collective or, f that was too dorky for you, that they have some kind of mobile IV device (especially when Seamus insist that I carry the pack while he drinks). 

Izabel looking in on the girls getting ready to compete

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