Sunday, July 31, 2011

Izabel enters the open class art show

I thought I was done with the hot sticky county fair when I no longer had to help man the "Don't Meth up your life" booth at the Logan, Washington, Morgan and all points in between fairs.   Which was worse, being stuck in the rooms under the stands in Logan where there was no breeze and it was at least 900 degrees, or the microgust that took out the tents and nearly Matt with them in Washington County?  Now we have been there all weekend in Douglas County - at least they have a/c!

When we joined 4-H they gave us a packet with welcome information.  Somehow it seems to always be missing the information I would like to know.  Some things I have asked around and people just stare at me like "Why do cows always seem to siddle up to the fence post? What the heck are they thinking?"  When I was commuting to Sterling there was always this field with some sortof political sign, a big one, I have no idea who it was advertising since the cows were always leaning up against it.  Yes it may be for shade but a fence post does not provide shade.  It took me almost a year before I was brave enough to ask someone what a pivot is.  I always thought it was like the round-a-bouts you see when driving in Massachusetts.

Anyway, I open the "Douglas County Fair Premium Book" on my computer.  I am thinking 'premium' must be like a more informative better book then their sub-premium book.  I see they have something called 'open class'.  Oh, they must be teaching something.  Have I completely embarrassed all my friends who embrace the rural life, yet?  No, it is the competitions, picture who grew the best sugar beet or makes the best cookie.  Well Izabel did well at the National Western Stock Show art competition and it would be a fun thing to do in the summer so I asked her if she would like to enter something.  She did and decided to play on the theme of the fair which is something like get on your cowboy boots and find your country roots.
She used watercolors, then some watercolors and tempera paints on paper which she cut out and glued down a la Ezra Jack Keets (she was also inspired by Albrecth Durer's "The Great Piece of Turf" which she learned about in Art class).  She then used a colored pencil to draw in a few details.  She titled the painting "Close-up on the Farmer's Farm".  The title of the stock show painting was "Farmer's Farm".   We will not know how it did until later this week when we get a chance to visit the show after the judging.
P.S. I am still trying to figure out what a premium is.  According to the book they pay a premium to the winners too.  I figure that if they don't pay anything then it goes back into the pot for next year since the fine arts premium was $3 and the weed display premium was $30.

Fair Day

Dear Josef Hatch - Izabel may need some pointers.  No scratch that this is as far as she will go in this sport unless they make it a horseless event or something she can do on her Barbi scooter. 
Izabel participated in the Douglas County Fair on Saturday with the 4-H Cloverbud Primary Fair.  They had all sorts of activities relating to cowboy history for the kids.  Seamus, his hat, and camelback checked out the mini-horse show, the 4-H/FFA horse competitions especially the ones that involved the cattle, and checked out the horse barn.  He was a bit disappointed that the barn was full of horses and not cattle. 
Then came the waiting.  Waiting for Izabel to finish her activities, waiting for the Cloverbud interviews to begin, waiting for Izabel's interview to start, waiting for Izabel's interview to finish.  It was crazy.  It was crazy to watch the parents frantically trying to finish their kid's (and I mean teenager) photography projects and record books; it was crazy to hear the other parents talking about how late they had been up the night before to finish projects, and crazy to try to figure out where we needed to be and when.  Izabel was scheduled for one of the last time slots I think because she is literally the oldest Cloverbud as she graduates next week on her birthday. 
The interview went well and they asked her to leave her project so they could keep it on display for the fair.  She did entomolgy including making a kill jar, pinning block and net (from a pillowcase).  She made a insect collection and we had all sorts of problems finding enough insects for the project.  This included Matt chasing swallowtails (the yellow and black butterflies) and dragonflies all week. 
As she went to bed she declared that she wants to do cake decorating next year - the one project we would rather skip. These fairs are always on the hottest day of the year which is not good for cakes and their decorations, plus it must be last minute so it is fresh for the judges.  Why can't she pick pocket pets, we already have a ferret, or something that will not run to the wire?

Seamus checks out the cattle waiting for their time in the spotlight

Izabel learns about brands - yes she wore her camelback all day too

Creating a brand

Making a horse hat

Matt had the camera

Panning for gold

They decorated cloverleaf cookies

The two of them always with the camelbacks starts to look weird - like they are tapping into the borg collective or, f that was too dorky for you, that they have some kind of mobile IV device (especially when Seamus insist that I carry the pack while he drinks). 

Izabel looking in on the girls getting ready to compete

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Seamus enjoys a story time all about dinosaurs.

We have added a few new books to our reading lists for the summer.  Seamus enjoyed Fly, Cher Ami, Fly!  It is about the pigeon that saved the lost battalion in WWI.  You can go visit his body at the National Museum of American History including the peg leg they had fitted for him after he was injured helping the troops.  And if in Cincinnati you can go visit the body of the last carrier pigeon, ever (at least I think it is still there).  Izabel has started reading the 39 clues.  The online game that goes with the books is proving  to be fun and Izabel was assigned to the Ekaterina branch of the Cahill family.  Speaking of reading.....

 We are feverishly counting down the days until school begins.  In 6 days Seamus will have an open house then the first day of school the next day.  We called the school today and they still do not have a teacher's name for us or a time for the open house.  They said they will, "call us the morning of the open house."  This is not a promising start.  Izabel has zoo camp all next week to add to the confusion and scheduling nightmare.
Izabel has 13 days until her OLS (On Line School) opens with new courses and 18 days until the 1st official day of classes.  She, too, does not know who her teacher will be.  She is in 3rd grade and most in her school have the same teacher until 6th grade but she has never had the same teacher twice.  This year they have changed the model so teacher only have two grades.  Unfortunately, the division is 2/3 so if her last year teacher does not get 2/3 she will have a new teacher both this year and next.
We spend some fun time at Monkey Bizness yesterday.  The kids had fun playing with their friends from Izabel's school.  Seamus climbed the slide.  I mean the slide itself, no stairs.  He was so proud of himself that he ran to find "Ba-bel" to show her his accomplishment. 
When you go to Monkey Bizness it looks like such a fun place to take pictures.  In reality it is not.  Poor lighting, to much movement, not enough pattern.  It also reminds me of a kid friendly thunderdome.  Que the saxophone and Tina.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Celery Capital of the World!

Today I was in the one time celery capital of the world, known for the pascal celery that was once served at White House holiday meals.  It is also the home to the man who invented the traffic light.  I am sure the non-person that I prosecuted would love to pay a visit since we know how much he loves the traffic laws (oh yeah he can't at least  not until June of next year minimum - June of 2014 maximum).  I was in Arvada, Colorado.
The kids enjoyed a trip to the library.  Seamus ran up to the sculpture and kissed the girl.  Then he sat down to read her a book.  Izabel started the last of the online summer camps with this week's selection of swimming safety.  It was punctuated with her comments on why anyone would need to do x-and-such.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Sunday Adventure II!

After learning that Sunday this BBQ place has kids eat free with a paying adult we decided to try it.  Being allergic to pork I had limited choices but the kids enjoyed it, and Matt really liked it.  We tried the fried corn on the cob.  Had to try it, once.  I can honestly say I have never had anything like it, and it was good, but one of those once in a lifetime things like Matt's  venture into chicken-fried hamburger.  The kids visited the pit to see the fixins - a-brewin.  The kids got all gussied up for the occasion - Seamus wore a tie, Izabel a hat, and Fancy Nancy rounded out the team in her fancy purple silk poodle hoop skirt.  Seamus particularly enjoyed the alligator head.

An afternoon at the pool and a new sunburn for mom

Title says it all.  Yes I know there was a high UV index, and I did use SPF 30 sunscreen which was reapplied generously.  It was even highly rated sunscreen by the Consumer Report (shouldn't it be Consumers' Report?  like shaving mugs of MASH fame).  It is something about me I always get burned.  So, next time Ms. Brittny yells at me for wearing jeans (btw denim blocks 99% of UV rays) and long sleeves in the middle of summer I will cite to this incident.     Also, I stick my tongue out to the lady who was spraying herself with oil every 15 minutes. 

Matt gets home after a long day of 'scotterin'

Monday, July 25, 2011

Bug Collectin

Spent the day looking for bugs for Izabel's 4-h project.  Seamus had some fun watching the clouds pass by.
Intrepid explorers

Last week's Garcia's adventure - Seamus hangs out under a nearby table.  It took Matt so long to send this to me it landed on this post.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Borders and hanging in the Mall

This weather is proving a problem for all of our outdoor plans.  Not only is it too hot, or thunderstorms, it is also causing problems for Mom's arthritis.  With my knees not feeling it we have not been too busy.  This is a trip to the mall where we had fun in the Borders store before it disappears.
The countdown to back to school has begun and it is ticking by fast.  It is some 10 days until Seamus starts school and we do not even have his teacher's name.

Izabel found a Hanna Montana book

A trip to Elizabeth for Izabel to play with Izabella

The kids make faces between chasing grasshoppers and waiting for the food.

We have volunteered to take over a website for Izabel's school that organizes activities for the kids.  In preparation for that Elizabeth drove to Elizabeth, Colorado to let Izabel play with Izabella and her sister.  Izabel had fun with that statement.  While we worked on the website the kids had a blast playing.  On the way home we stopped at Sonic for some Chicago dogs.  The next day we met with more COVA friends to go over website details at the McDonald's playground.  It was a good thing because we had terrible hail that day.  Again the kids had a blast.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Sunday Adventure!

Seamus loves music but hides from louder noises - this is what we get. 
We had lunch at Garcia's.  I was on the Garcia's soccer team in Cincinnati when I was in first or second grade.  I remember the banquet/awards we had at the restaurant and making fun of the re-fried beans.  The kids' menus still have the drawing contest on the back, and they still have the best chicken chimichangas.  We ventured over the the big library and caught a story-time and a 4 piece Irish music performance.  The musicians like Seamus' name.

Same ol' menu.

Story time

Hiding from the music.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Camp Final Day Celebration

So the now famed camp Izabel attended all week culminated in a little presentation and potluck.  The kids in the camp already know each other from choir and church but now they are friends.  They had a blast.  They preformed a couple of skits, one about transcendentalism, and a few songs.  They made a vegetarian chili which was really good and our contribution was a hit with all the kids.  I made those buns with the marshmallows that disappear inside with cinnamon and sugar.  Anyone who was in Mrs. Ware's home ec. at Sycamore may remember this culinary masterpiece (and her fingernails).
After the week the hats have had, the rest of the day was very quiet.   
Izabel made the one on the left on the top shelf.  It is orange with the purple rim.  The chalice is a symbol of the UU church.

It was fun to watch all the parents take out their phones and start snapping away.

Enjoying her chili.