Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Zoo trip

Today the kids enjoyed one of our frequent trips to the zoo

Leopard Tortoise

Feeding Lorikeets

Check out the baby Red Crowned Crane - and the all-powerful vehicle of protection (or stroller depending on who you ask). 
Bird House

We don't normally ride both the train and the carousel but since it had been a while and Seamus had his birthday and he wanted the train and Izabel wanted the carousel....
Riding the Carousel
Seamus kept saying "the monkey one"  I kept saying there are no monkeys I see an Orangutan,Gorillas, and Baboons - neither Seamus nor the woman in line in front of us understood what I meant.

Seamus was happy to ride on the bench - I learned facing backward to take pictures makes for a very dizzy experience

Meeting one of the starts of the animal show - They said he used to be part of the show but as he got bigger and slower (now 50# and 9 years old and will get to be over 150#)  the audience would wait for some big climax as he wobbled across the stage taking longer and longer.  He walks 1 mile per 5 hours a whopping 0.003333 miles per hour

So Izabel asks, "It takes us 2 hours to get to Akron how long will it take him to get there?"  The zookeeper says "A-kron?"  and after some quick math we figure 450 hours if he doesn't stop or get distracted by the yummy wheat

They also told us a story about an orangutan baby at another zoo who would turn the turtles they had in the exhibit on their backs.  They trained his mother so that when they yelled "TURTLE"  she would run over and put them back in the pond.  I guess a toddler is a toddler.

Seamus insisted on taking a pic here - he usually yells "NO PICTURES" so I had to take him up on the offer.
And for supper we had home-made Philly sandwiches with Waldorf salad. In honor of such an occasion we watched Fawlty Towers.  "What's a Waldorf anyway, a walnut that has gone off?"

Seamus' last occupational and speech therapy.

Seamus no longer qualifies for services in the home because he turned 3 so today he had his very last visit from his speech therapist and his occupational therapist.  Almost 1 year of therapy - speech 4 times a month and physical twice a month.  When he starts preschool in August he will get the services there.  AND we may have figured out some of his eating issues not necessarily being textual, i.e. having to do with his sensory stuff, but having to do with his fine motor skill problems, i.e. he has this problem with his wrists being too tight and coordinating both hands at the same time. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Old Videos for a Birthday

So I was going through some old files and found some older videos and thought they would be good to post on Seamus' birthday.  This first one Seamus was about one month old and it was around Izabel's 5th Birthday.  The sunflowers were on the side of our house in Brush! they were not planned to grow that wa.

Raspberries from Izabel
Raspberries from Seamus - he goes on for about a minute
This one I just cannot resist - It is one of my favorites - Izabel was 2 or 4 and this was a bucket from a lego type toy (bigger blocks like duplo) It is called the space cadet clip but it kind of reminds me of the kid in that movie Parenthood who runs around with the bucket on his head banging it into the wall. There is another clip to come where she used it to try and escape the condo.  

More older videos to come.....

Its his Birthday - 3 years old today!

Backpack suitable for a hike

A trip to the park

A little Birthday cake!

Big News!

We had to bring out the tooth fairy pillow from Mrs. Gurney for the second time in one week!  Izabel lost her other front tooth.

Monday, June 27, 2011


For Seamus' Birthday we took him to see Cars2 (a day early).  The kids enjoyed it and Matt and I both laughed a couple of times - not as bad as the critics were saying. 

Arriving at the theater

Shows about to start
He thought is was very funny to see this video game "I driving I driving"


Believe it or not we had a peaceful Sunday, but the hats, and the kids had an adventure going through the car wash.
First comes the soap...

Next, the power wash starts...

Then it gets really loud...

Looks like the hat is having fun too.

Saturday - A Birthday Party in Akron

 Saturday we went to a first birthday party for Tristan in Akron.  He is Seamus' Godmother's son.  Izabel cried most of the way home she was so upset to leave her friends in Akron especially Lexi - Tristan's big sister. 
Seamus trying to sneak in on some of the cake action

Birthday boy - with the blue frosting it looked like an impressionistic painting when he was finished

Izabel sad to go

Friday's Adventure

Izabel lost her front tooth, finally!

And for those of you who know what a pivot is and can tell the difference between a bull or a steer - She is standing outside the extension office because she had a 4-H presentation Friday night on her entomology project.  We had little activities about how to start an insect collection, and how insects see.  The snack for the meeting was my great idea to eat like an insect.  They had cups with petals and drank their apple juice nectar through a straw just like butterflies, I demonstrated how a mosquito eats by using a stabbing straw and a juice box, and they ate quesadillas like a grasshopper using chip bag clips.  The kids seemed to really like that activity, and at the end of the meeting they all were able to repeat back the three body parts of an insect and while cleaning up went in search of spiders.  Seamus stayed home with Dad and had a few laps in the pool. 

Izabel demonstrating with her insect collection

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Another Concert in the Park

Wednesday Night Concert - 17th Avenue Allstars.  They are a cappella with a guy who does vocal percussion.  The ice cream truck found a jack-pot and was hanging out there, so the kids got Shreck ice cream pops.  They were sour green apple ice cream with grape bubblegum balls for eyes...truly a flavor intended for children.  I talked with one of the audience members who remembers when ice-cream only came in one shape, yeah square and we liked it that way. And Grandma Ann used to have to take the ferry, the bus, and the subway to school, EVERYDAY even in snowstorms BOTH WAYS!  when the group did a cover of a Maroon 5 song most of the audience did not know what they were talking about - probably the ones that understood (and laughed at) the joke about a pinto, "the car not the horse".

Link to the Littleton History Museum -

Our next door neighbors when I was growing up had this dog, Becky, who they always put in their back yard on one of those leads that have the pivot in the middle.   So the dog only could go in circles; the result of this was that the dog only ran in circles on or off the lead.  When Seamus starts with his circles it reminds me of Becky.  He ran in circles for at least 30 minutes, big circles went counter clockwise, the little ones around the sculptures went clockwise. 

Shreck pops!

Irony is eating Shreck heads in front of a donkey

He was actually giggling at how sticky he was