Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Art projects, fencing and running

 Izabel did some art projects at church; inspired by beauty she painted her ferret Totem.  Seamus did some art projects at school; inspired by Mimi and Dollie he painted 2 elephants.

Seamus' project was really cute they did gray hand prints with googly eyes and a popsicle-stick tree.

As we continue to study the muscular-skeletal systems Izabel learned that running in a circle for 5 minutes to the ever popular "Move it, Move it" song from Madagascar 2 would raise her heart rate.

We took our fall photos at part of the Museum of Outdoor Art this weekend.  I still need to edit the photos but we have some good ones in there.  We ran into a jar of pygmy nuthatches.  Look it up they don't have flocks they have jars and they are a bird that is about the size of a chicken egg and can go down a tree face first (a highly unusual and very distinctive characteristic among birds).  

Izabel continued with her fencing lessons.  It is a huge hit and she did pretty good for her first time facing an opponent armed with a foil.  Next week she will learn what to do if she is attacked by someone armed with the passion fruit (pointed sticks are in the intermediate level).  It is really interesting, she learns a lot of sportsmanship and honesty (they self report when there is a touch and have a salute regime they do when they spar), and they learn how to proctor a bout between other classmates.  I need to read some more to get the terminology correct.  There are videos so scroll all the way down - Izabel is on the right. 

While we waited Seamus enjoyed singing the Barbie song "Get your Sparkle on" and waiving his magic wand (Mom's old paintbrush) at the girls passing on their way to gymnastics.  Anytime one of them would go into the woman's locker he would say, "OOOOOOOO!" and run toward the open door.  He also watched some racket ball and tap dancing classes.

This week has been especially busy since I have had a few meetings and am invited to attend a fundraiser that works for prison reform.  I am to bring my experience as a prosecutor and see what perspective I can lend to the occasion.  Lets all cross our fingers I can keep my filter working the entire evening but we all know that is as likely as the Bengals winning the Superbowl this year.

Izabel painting Totem.

Seamus showing off his painting.

2 elephants sweeping majestically over the Savannah.

Izabel running to get her heart rate up.

Izabel hanging on to the end of the 5 minutes. 
 While Seamus waited for Izabel's lesson he enjoyed a granola bar.

Izabel going in with the lunge.
Izabel is on the right of the picture about to fence.

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