Monday, April 30, 2012

Hogs, sheep, llamas, alpacas, and Garden of the Gods (and the kissing camels).

Hog Sale with 4-H!  They did a workshop and sale of hogs and sheep timed just right for the kids to participate in the Douglas County Fair.  No we did not purchase a hog of sheep but some of the kids in her group did.  It is actually a good event meant to give the kids the experience of bidding and taking care of the animals.  It was to provide animals that are of a high quality for the kids who cannot afford things like heated and a/c barns to have a chance of winning something.

The bidding begins.

Apparently cliche is not part of the pig vocab.

Seamus had a few of the pigs going playing chase like dogs.

Izabel's 4-H group provided the refreshments.

Seamus' class had a field trip to Garden of the Gods.  He rode a bus with his class.  Matt and Izabel were there to participate when he arrived.  The hat was also able to enjoy the trip.

The kissing camels formation up at the top.  

Izabel is wearing my back-up rain gear from my hiking bag.  I have no idea why or how she got a hold of it; to top it off it is incredibly hot to wear.

The class did rubbings of the rocks.  They learned about not taking anything with them except the rubbings and leaving things for the next people to see.

Sometimes it is nice to have a sister as a field trip buddy.

It is also nice to have Papa there to be artsy with his photography.

Back on the bus.

Snack time back at school.
Another 4-H event.  They have to do a community service project and the kids decided to bring their llamas and alpacas to a retirement community to let the residents come and meet them and learn a bit about the animals.  We did not bring the ferret since he would have set off the llamas and they were tense enough being out on their first trip since winter and being around strange other llamas.  It was a rather hot day and we had to hike from a parking area, along the highline canal to the community.  Izabel took turns with her friend Addy walking an alpaca named Durango.  One of the residents used to be very active in the llama community in Colorado so he is the inspiration for this event.  They have a bunch of kids who volunteer there so many hours to get scholarships.  They all came out and had time with the llamas and alpacas.
For those who don't know llamas are bigger with banana shapped ears; alpacas have the same llama attitude but in a smaller package.  Llamas are used for fiber and as a pack animal while alpacas are used for fiber and are not out on walks as much.

Llama bookends.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Hair, hare, magic, and hiking....

I know it has been several weeks since we posted and we ave been busy.  So  busy, in fact, that I will split up the activities among posts.  Seamus has started a school down here.  We had the annual I.E.P. meeting (Individualized Education Plan), though next year's is much more extensive.  He will receive some additional services next year including a special ed. teacher to help with social behaviors.   He was sent home with a letter on his hearing.  We are waiting on the next round of testing for that one.  He had a field trip with his class, Izabel and Matt, but that is for a future post.
Izabel has 4th grade well underway.  She is still with the virtual academy.  We have been very busy with her 4-H this month and that is also for a future post.  She is also very busy with the neighborhood kids.  Where we are now she can go out and run around and make trouble without being in too much trouble herself. 

Future posts will include a llama walk, field trip pics and a hog/sheep sale.

Seamus settling into his new room

Playing in the rain with some new friends.

Hanging out in the driveway.
We have a loss of some hair and a gain of some hare.... I donated 12 inches of hair to "Locks of Love" to make wigs for kids battling cancer; Izabel adopted a bunny for a 4-H project.  The bunny is Virginia (yes now we have 3 Uncles Steve, 2 Cousins Katherine/Catherine, 2 Cousins Emily, 2 Cousins Abigale, and 2 Virginia Holmes in our lives). 

We attended the Seder up in Denver.  It is our 7th with the same folks.  It was a blast.  The woman who sat across from us bickered with her date all evening and doesn't like Seamus' name ("well he could always call himself James if he doesn't like it when he grows up.").  She also started to tell me about a friend who married a Hungarian when they were living in Paris after WWII.  When I asked the next question, I was told she was there with graves registration.  Interesting lady.

Passover Seder.  Seamus is very proud of his new Seder plate.

Seamus had some help cleaning up at the end of the evening.
Seamus explicitly stated that he was being helped by Robert, not the other way around.
We attended a fun day presented by the people who provide services to kids like Seamus.  The kids had their faces painted....

 They had obstacle courses and sensory therapy activities....

They made ice cream using plastic bags, milk, sugar, vanilla, salt and ice.


They enjoyed a magic show.  It was actually very funny; he did a bit of a Jerry Lewis thing and joked around with the kids.

Then we went on a 4 mile hike here in the Springs.  We started with a picnic and a visit to the nature center and then chased some butterflies by a stream.
Matt has a new camera with special effects, if you haven't been able to tell that already.