Saturday, August 18, 2012

Hiking Project

One of Izabel's projects this year for 4-H is hiking.  It really isn't any addition to stuff we would already do....other projects/activities have included the summer reading program at the local library, rabbit showing, and birthdays.  We helped Uncle Muncle celebrate his birthday; when I told Seamus we were going to see them he asked, "Can we go to Cousin Conor's house?"  It means that Seamus got to see both of his godparents in a weeks time.

Seamus and Matt doing imitations of each other

Izabel and Seamus turn in their reading logs for a chance to win a bigger prize.

Seamus and Cousin Conor.

Virginia is the big black and brown rabbit.  She has a bit of an attitude, apparently that goes hand in hand with being a silver fox breed.  Due to her attitude and her size (over 10 pounds) we did not think showing her at fair would be a good idea so we added a new rabbit to the heard.  This is Oreo.  I have partially convinced Izabel that we need to change her name to Olivia.  Matt's cousins are Virginia, Olivia and Emily so we could have a theme going.  Oreo/Olivia was just tattooed with her number so that she can be shown at fair "O835".  She does not qualify for her breed since she is 1 pound too big.

Izabel practices showmanship by showing Oreo/Olivia's teeth.
For July 4 we decided on a short hike.  We went looking for a trail head that we never found but we did get to drive through this old railroad tunnel.

We also met a new friend....
Took in some sights....
Did some bird watching....(yes he has them backwards)
In the end we went to the Cheyenne Mountain State Park.  It is a really nice park and was practically deserted.  The fire was still burning on the other side of the mountain and it was approaching 100 degrees when we started off.  We ended up doing almost 4 miles and had lots of fun.
We saw tons of wildlife: thistles and wildflowers, mule deer, little lizards, hummingbirds, and stellar jay to name a few.
For her big hike Izabel opted for an expert trail that was more challenging in its topography than in its length.  This is the Manitou Springs Incline.  The first mile averages a 40% grade and gains some 2,000 feet in elevation in that mile.  It is a popular sight for the olympic team to train (  There is a bail point about halfway up but we did not do that - we made it to the top - Izabel running out in front.
It was the sight of an incline railway that closed in the 90's.  Now you hike to the top and can join the trail that leads to the top of Pike's Peak to get down.  Total was almost 5 miles according to my GPS.
Matt and Seamus stayed home.  It was my day off.  No, we were not sore the next day.  No it is not child abuse since Izabel spend the remainder of the day outside running around with her friends.

At the beginning...
Headed to the false peak.

A view from the trail.

Taking a break to look at how far we had come (the car is down in that parking area)

At the top!  

Izabel proving she still has plenty of energy.
A view from the top.

This is a family tradition now we do on most of our hiking adventures.

The trail on the way back down
This is a spotted towhee.  It was so close to us and sat there for a while singing.
There are a few more pictures that are waiting to be edited from the Cheyenne Mountain Hike.  Next up County Fair!

Friday, July 6, 2012

June a Cliffnote Version

The end of school year visit from the local Zoo to Seamus' class.  Izabel and Matt joined in the fun.

Got to love the reaction of the teacher in the background.  

They also had a bit of a field day.  This is good since every year Izabel has missed hers because it always gets cancelled for rain and mud.

Semaus and Ms. Molly

Izabel and Virginia (rabbit)


Home Depot build and grow project.  This one was an ice-cream truck

Seamus and Mom went to a birds of prey presentation at the library.  All of these guys are rescues.  One was a falcon that was no good for hunting because he would not shut-up.  He scared away all prey so he ended up at the shelter.  Seamus loved it.

Virginia - apparently when you put a rabbit on their back they relax.  Bunny coma.

More rabbit coma.

Seamus and Izabel hang out while I get a haircut.
Flooding in our parking area.  It did make it into the garage but no damage for us.

Father's day/Mom's birthday adventure - Meeting Spongebob.

Izabel wanted to keep monsters at bay.  It is a cunning plan.
We visited Sterling too!  Picked up a new pet - a praying mantis.  Yes s/he is still alive and will take out a miller moth with vengeance.  We also have a jumping spider.  Spiderman is his/her name (I have not checked or asked either for the s/he determination) and s/he also takes out a miller moth every couple of days.

Seamus and his bud Tristan.
Matt, Lexi, and Izabel playing in the pool while Seamus dangles his toes.

The kids and Dad took on a tie-dye project.  They used up all the dyes in the kit (props to Aunt Marie as a great Christmas present) by dying anything that had a stain so it can still be used - t-shirts and a few carrying sacks.

Birthday boy Seamus gets to ride in a booster seat!  In the Lady no less.
Izabel had to do a meat quality assurance training to show rabbits for 4-H.  It was in the exciting town of Simla.  Simla is 100 years old and apparently you can get chickens slaughtered there; that is about all there is to Simla.  

Learning how to administer shots properly. I have no idea when this knowledge will come in handy for her.  

Rabbit board.